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Визуальные новеллы
Жанр: Авторская песняАвтор: Григорий Неделько
Объем: 400 [ строк ]
Тексты песен и стихотворения [рус. и англ.] с самодельного альбома "NU"
Back On The Wheels
Back on the wheels, the journeyman’s in his trip.
Living for nothing, waiting for R.I.P.;
Raising the speed ‘cause it’s the only that feeds
Your bad insane seed.
Took off your indifference for velocity fight.
The future’s straight forward, the fierce fire’s backside.
Your minds keep on running, but what you need is right here -
You’re switching the gear-box, you go for a ride!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
The mirror is glittering, showing enemies fall,
Back to the top now, the whole means nothing at all.
Your cigar is burning like the rage in your heart.
You’ll take them apart.
With one scratching wish in your fearless brain
You go for ever, you do with your plan.
Time’s out of ranges, the steel beast is hungry,
You’re flying much higher, ruling a hurricane!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels!
Back on the wheels, the journeyman’s in his trip,
Raising the speed ‘cause it’s the only that feeds
Your hungry beast that’s made of steel.
You’re flying much higher - back on the wheels!
(4 - 5.05.2005)
* * *
“Summer, Night & Kiss”
The season came it turned me on
It’s gotta blow it’s gonna burn
‘Cause you’re still here and I return
To throw the wrong
A shame of breath a song of spring
I hear your minds you try to sing
To paint a smile and not a scream
To shine within
Mistaken words
Unbroken hearts
And rusted swords
With needed start
Live life in time like this
Let them die and let them live
Live life for a perfect gift
Summer, night & kiss
Well you give up? I don’t believe!
You paid the actors and so I did
Can see the world with open eyes
To prove you’re mine
There’s nothing right there’s nothing left
Oh such a pity… Don’t give a damn
Time doesn’t change but there’s you know
No time at all
Mistaken words
Unbroken hearts
And rusted swords
With needed start
Live life in time like this
Let them die and let them live
Live life for a perfect gift
Summer, night & kiss
Live life in time like this
Let them die and let them live
Live life for a perfect gift
Summer, night & kiss
Summer, night & kiss
Summer, night & kiss
Summer, night & kiss
Summer, night & kiss
* * *
Григорий Неделько
Одолеть дракона
(Баллада о доблестном и безжалостном рыцаре Филлеасе Финнегане)
Помнит то время седой фолиант,
Эти лета кто-то впишет в роман –
Выйдет и тонко, и жутко, и – ах!
Я расскажу вам, как было, в стихах…
…В царстве одном стал народ пропадать –
Где людей сгинула целая рать?
Царь Филлеас – к своему колдуну:
«Кто объявил мне, герою, войну?»
«Это дракон, - так ответил старик
И, погрустнев, головою поник. –
Тварь-что-невидима, ночью придя,
Жнёт урожай, никого не щадя».
Финнеган славный собрался на бой,
Быстро заполнилась площадь толпой:
Рыцаря в путь провожают, крича:
«Меч покарает навек палача!»
…Долгой и трудной дорога была,
Но, наконец, показалась скала.
Зев чернотою страшит и манит.
Спрыгнув с коня, царь во тьму говорит:
«Мерзкий охотник, чудовищный зверь,
Время настало сразиться теперь –
И завершится сегодня война!»
Только дыхнула в ответ тишина.
Меч – наголо. Где же спрятался враг?
В жуткой пещере главенствует мрак.
Чрево из камня огромно – но, вот,
Пусто оно, здесь никто не живёт.
Злобный и мрачный, вернувшись домой,
Многие казни задумал герой:
«Те, кто меня обманул, пусть умрут!
Мага увидеть желаю я тут!»
И привели. «Что же, здравствуй, ведьмак!
Вышло на деле-то вовсе не так,
Как ты задумывал: раз меня нет,
Власть ты захватишь! Держи же ответ!
Что ты молчишь? Знать, страшишься меня?»
«Нет, не боюсь: ни тебя, ни огня!
Финнеган, ты справедлив был, умён,
Временем только, жаль, непощажён:
Стал ты с годами коварен, жесток…
Люди из царства ушли на восток.
С ними уйти? Не могу, пред царём
Долг мой не сжечь беспощадным огнём!
Много баталий героем пройдя,
Занял ты трон четверть века спустя.
В бойнях кровавых ты дух не терял,
Нрава был твёрдого, как аксакал.
Встретил, однако, ты ту, кто сильней:
Сердцем, умом – весь ты продался ей,
Тихо погибнув с гордыней в борьбе, -
Так одолей же дракона в себе!»
(Май 2012 года)
* * *
“Killin’ Hearts”
Sound – thunder, feeling – rain
Eyes are rainbows, mind – insane
Touching softly, years go by
Other loving past goodbye
From another killing heart
I will give you just a sign
Wall to wall as side to side
Tearing you and me apart
Killin’ heart
Killin’ heart
Killin’ heart
Killin’ heart
Killin’ hearts
Don’t you worry don’t you cry
Got to hide facts need to lie
Will you hurry will you stop
Doesn’t matter if that’s all
Eye to eye now tall or small
Darkness – near, rain still falls
But in ocean there are tears
Kill your fears though we can’t see
Killin’ heart
Killin’ heart
Killin’ heart
Killin’ heart
Killin’ hearts
Killin’ hearts
Killin’ hearts
Killin’ hearts
Killin’ hearts
Killing hearts
Killing hearts
Killing hearts
Killing hearts
Killing hearts killing hearts
Killing hearts killing hearts
Killing hearts killing hearts
Killing hearts killing hearts
Killing hearts
* * *
“Roll And Rock”
Spending long time since I roll and rock
Spending long time since I got this shock
This will be forever
That is gone and lost
Dance to say that I still have to
Twist from coast to coast
You gotta roll and rock roll and rock with me
Roll and rock that what’s gonna be
Roll and rock roll and rock with me
Roll and rock roll and rock will be
You gotta roll and rock roll and rock with me
Roll and rock that what’s gonna be
Roll and rock roll and rock with me
Roll and rock roll and rock will be
Spending long time since we swam to rif -f-
Spending long time since we were just deaf
On and on and on now
Can’t explain you’ll see
Somewhere ups replaced all downs
Something’s gotta be
You gotta roll and rock roll and rock with me
Roll and rock that what’s gonna be
Roll and rock roll and rock with me
Roll and rock roll and rock will be
You gotta roll and rock roll and rock with me
Roll and rock that what’s gonna be
Roll and rock roll and rock with me
Roll and rock roll and rock will be
You gotta roll and rock roll and rock with me
Roll and rock that what’s gonna be
Roll and rock roll and rock with me
Roll and rock roll and rock will be
You gotta roll and rock roll and rock with me
Roll and rock that what’s gonna be
Roll and rock roll and rock with me
Roll and rock roll and rock will be
* * *
Was it true well
Was it false
Doesn’t matter hey
Yes you know
Bringing fire
In my motor
I was trying
As a robot
Nothing matters
Burying lies
Just eight letters
Hear it on the radio
Watch it on TV
Batteries of energy
We are meant to be
Falling ‘bout love
Rising ‘bout truth
And nobody taught
Us to teach them too
Catch for me just something
Catch for world a lightning
Hear it on the radio
Watch it on TV
Batteries of energy
We are meant to be
Was it true well
Build yourself a shell
I prefer a GAN tell
Putting there some shells
Bang bang
* * *
Three Headed Monkey
It got two heads more than an average human being,
It has been in such dimensions, frightening even when you think,
A lot of mighty power got this massive steamroller -
It is the symbol of metal, it is pictured rock’n’roller.
When it goes in the streets all the others must be quiet;
It is thrilling, it is freezing, it can painfully bite.
All the girls around the world get their passion, lose control
And the three headed monkey is going to get them all.
What you see you cannot deny.
What do you want? Come on, say: "Ai!"
It brings you no fooling, you’re its to the end.
To stay is hard, to drop is ever hard then.
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You got one head,
But it got them three.
Its black glasses are shining with the chilling light.
Do you know how it can hammer, do you know how it can slide?
It doesn’t like words because it knows they don’t mean.
Three thousand magrifications that’s what it had been.
Let’s count: the screaming mouth and the shameless mind,
The unlovely behavior that’s what you’ll finally find.
All wrong and joking from the end of its tail,
The other side of sin, real visitor from Hell.
When it’s near I feel all right!
Tighter than tightest and more tight.
Genuine hard rocker of the soft reality,
The heavy messiah of the best quality.
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You got one head,
But it got them three.
I cannot explain, you cannot imagine -
You just have to see this infinity engine.
It’s starting now, yeah, right now!
You know how! Ow, now! Wow!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You got one head,
But it got them
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You got one head,
But it got them three.
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You’ve got to be free!
You got one head,
But it got them three.
You got one head,
But it got them three.
You’ve got to be free!
Don’t mess with the three headed monkey!
(16. 05. 2005)
* * *
“The Guide Light”
Searching for a sound that will sound just right
Searching for a reason that is taking only high
Searching for a woman searching for a clue
And I gotta tell you made this mistake too
Asking for a number asking for a chance
It was oh so foolish I can sleep as well
Crying for a crying biting for a bite
Cruising in a twilight looking for a light
Come on stand if you feel this burning
And now stay if you’re involved in this fight
‘Cause you’ll never get on with less learning
To make you mind sight shine here so bright
There is a light that you’re looking for ever
There is a white dry clever result
Your heart is saving out of your leather
To see the guide light is coming apart
It will take some time they tell don’t you even think
Do you wanna burn that tree if it thin or thick
Moving to a house driving to my home
With the guiding light without any stop
Come on stand if you feel this burning
And now stay if you’re involved in this fight
‘Cause you’ll never get on with less learning
To make you mind sight shine here so bright
There is a light that you’re looking for ever
There is a white dry clever result
Your heart is saving out of your leather
To see the guide light is coming apart
Come on stand if you feel this burning
And now stay if you’re involved in this fight
‘Cause you’ll never get on with less learning
To make you mind sight shine here so bright
Come on stand if you feel this burning
And now stay if you’re involved in this fight
‘Cause you’ll never get on with less learning
To make you mind sight shine here so bright
There is a light that you’re looking for ever
There is a white dry clever result
Your heart is saving out of your leather
To see the guide light is coming apart
Come on stand if you feel this burning
And now stay if you’re involved in this fight
‘Cause you’ll never get on with less learning
To make you mind sight shine here so bright
There is a light that you’re looking for ever
There is a white dry clever result
Your heart is saving out of your leather
To see the guide light is coming apart
The guide light
The guide light
The guide light
The guide light
Дата публикации: 15.04.2016 22:42
Предыдущее: Хищного рока тропою призрачнойСледующее: Страшилки по Пратчетту

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