Литературный портал "Что хочет автор" на www.litkonkurs.ru, e-mail: izdat@rzn.ru Проект: Все произведения

Автор: Сергей СоколовНоминация: Поэтические переводы

Stripy Power

      I’m just a mighty tiger in the taiga.
   My twisting stripes are yellow, black and white.
   A lonely king without his suite – the tiger,
   I’ve got no court, but have my power and pride.
   Where is the end of my hard days?
   God knows.
   Where is a precipice on my path?
   It’s so deep.
   I break my way through heavy rains and snows
   And sometimes have no time to take a sleep.
   In your false world I am an outsider.
   And you pursue me as a social outcast.
   Aren’t you afraid of claws and fangs of tigers?
   The hunter’s way to victims’ fate is fast.
   And in the moonlight night I lie in ambush.
   Two moons are shining in my amber eyes.
   In this old world the tiger is a gambler.
   The winner lives along, the loser dies.
   The forest is my shelter and my fortress.
   There in my dreams I hear birds chat and sing.
   My prey is always rich near river waters.
   My stripes expand in my leaps like a spring.
   I’m just a lonely tiger in the taiga.
   I see no rivals and no serious foes.
   I stroll about the mist, the mystery tiger,
   The stripy power on the mighty paws.
   March 1, 2005

Дата публикации:29.03.2006 16:15