Литературный портал "Что хочет автор" на www.litkonkurs.ru, e-mail: izdat@rzn.ru Проект: Новые произведения

Автор: Сандра СминтНоминация: Разные стихи (не вошедшие в рубрики)

Diminish the ire.

      Hi turned me back on him.
   Heart’s on fire.
   The fire’s light is dim.
   Hi is just a lire.
   It seemed he possesed an aura.
   The truth is dire.
   This bring me bitter sorow.
   Ambrace’s like wire.
   He looked unutterably pale.
   Being with you’s mire.
   You should take a sail.
   Diminish your ire.
   We can go another way.
   I’m tired.
   Don’t be fool. What do you say?
   Whose’s my sire?..
   I turned you back on me
   Feeling fire.
   You know, i’m always free.
   Me too. I’m a lire.
   Run or it’ll be late.
   Your future’s dire.
   Don’t tell about faith.
   Aren’t you tired?...

Дата публикации:25.10.2005 22:22