Литературный портал "Что хочет автор" на www.litkonkurs.ru, e-mail: izdat@rzn.ru Проект: Все произведения

Автор: Ирина ДжусНоминация: Любовная лирика

Devoted to you

      Once I was sitting at my table very lonely
   And just comparing my life with autumn view.
   That was the time I realized you as my only.
   That’s why these verses are devoted to you.
   Sometimes my feelings only look like an obsession
   That doesn’t seem to be a normal healthy sense.
   My soul is always full of ecstasy and passion,
   My heart is shaking in a crazy fatal dance.
   I think we should appreciate each single instant,
   Which is, indeed, a holy gift from heaven gods.
   If so, why did they bring you out of me so distant?
   Why am I patriotic and you are so far abroad?
   I dream to have an opportunity to kiss you
   And just to tell you something that you always knew.
   I’m so naïve. I’m so exhausted. And I miss you.
   I’ll always ever be devoted to you.
   19. 03. 2005

Дата публикации:16.01.2006 18:27