Литературный портал "Что хочет автор" на www.litkonkurs.ru, e-mail: izdat@rzn.ru Проект: Литературный конкурс "Вся королевская рать". Этап 2

Номинация: Разное

To T., with my utmost admiration

      I wish you well, may you have what is best,
   You’re beautiful and sensitive, and smart.
   So sharp your mind, so generous your heart:
   I know the world, you’re not like all the rest.
   The world is sick, the world is rough, it stinks
   Sometimes it’s tough to live in such a place.
   And all we need is but a little space
   Just for ourselves, to live and dream, and think.
   But as for you, you’ve passed this painful test,
   You’ve solved this riddle without a single clue.
   And my salute now goes to you -
   I wish you well, may you have all the best.

Дата публикации:15.08.2003 22:21