Литературный портал "Что хочет автор" на www.litkonkurs.ru, e-mail: izdat@rzn.ru Проект: Новые произведения

Автор: Skandi SvenssonНоминация: Авторская песня

Errare Humanum Est

      Английская вольная кавер-версия композиции Mylene Farmer "Pourvu Qu`Elles Soient Douces")
   I ache
   For his hazel eyes again piercing through me
   For his fabulous light hair
   Hardly caring what a feeling does to me
   And I'm never gonna care
   As he's moving downstairs I'm getting breathless
   As he's smiling I can't sleep
   In his arms I'm always feeling so helpless
   Never fell in love so deep
   I am independent not any longer
   When he's near I'm like a serf
   But his power's truly making me stronger
   In a world of twisted nerves
   He makes me (ah!) tonight forget where he came from
   Heavens see he's not a saint
   Now I do believe again I'm deserving
   Better than a love for rent
   Oh my God, I'm stained with blot
   No I don't regret of that
   This sweet sin with every single thought
   Makes completely lose head
   Oh Good Lord, my heart is hurt
   What to say about the rest?
   Mea culpa - he is no more hers
   Errare humanum est
   God will punish me for that if I'm worthy
   Condemnation will be rough
   Anyway I treasure him a lot more than
   His ex-almost second half
   He makes me (ah!) tonight forget that I'm famous
   By his side I'm not a star
   No one's gonna treat me so on the stages
   No one dares to go so far
   Oh my God, I'm stained with blot
   No I don't regret of that
   This sweet sin with every single thought
   Makes completely lose head
   Oh Good Lord, my heart is hurt
   What to say about the rest?
   Mea culpa - he is no more hers
   Errare humanum est

Дата публикации:30.07.2007 00:01